Wandavision Twitter

Twitter emojis have become a large part of any pop culture phenomenon, and WandaVision has been no different. Artist Truck Torrance (@100soft) has worked with Marvel Studios to translate WandaVision’s main and supporting characters (including Darcy Lewis, Jimmy Woo, Monica Rambeau, and Pietro Maximoff AKA Quicksilver) into “kawaii” style emojis. WandaVision doesn’t fall as hard, but the finale is a strange mish-mosh. Genuinely touching moments are given short shrift as the worst tendencies of the superhero genre take hold. Agatha confronts Wanda by letting the townspeople free of Wanda’s control.

“But what is grief, if not love persevering?” 💔 #WandaVision

Wandavision on Twitter

Franzi ()

#zapoucalote nem acredito que lancei o cosplay de Wanda HQ de Wandavision, mais improvisado impossível

  • Kat Dennings showing up in WandaVision wasn’t as much of a surprise as perhaps it could have been for most. Dennings’ Darcy Lewis hadn’t shown up since Thor: The Dark World in 2013,.
  • If you haven't watched WandaVision Episode 5 yet, you may want to open up Disney+, check it out, have your mind utterly blown, and check back with us. Like the inhabitants of Westview, New Jersey, we're not going anywhere. Ok, here goes.
ComicBook.com ()

How the #FalconAndWinterSoldier finale fares against the series finale of #WandaVision:

Peter ()

Wandavision es tendencia? Y si, porque fue mucho mejor serie que The falcon and the winter soldier. Pero bueno, que no pasa nada.

Deadpool ()

My dad likes Wandavision AND tfawts?? He has taste methinks 💅

Peter Jordan ()

Bota Wandavision, Falcao e Soldado Invernal, Flash, Arrow, Nada se compara a Invincible da Amazon.

Ariba ✵ | ia cause of school 😩 ()

One taught me love - the falcon and the winter solider One taught me patience - Black widowAnd one taught me pain - wandavision

Andrew ()

Other final thoughts and opinions on #TheFalconAndWinterSoldier #Spoilers -The series overall has been been more consistently quality than Wandavision. Reminded me a lot of The Winter Soldier movie-I loved how the series tackled the shield and what it means to people

DamageKKing69 ()

#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale Estamos deacuerdo en que ESTE final es mejor que el de #WandaVision ¿verdad?

Wandavision Anderson Lopez Twitter

Ethan🧼 ()

TFAWS was really really good, disney is really hitting it out of the park with that s and wandavision and i still think Loki is gonna be better than both, disney is really killing it with these series rn

Alice X. Zhang ()

“But what is grief, if not love persevering?” 💔 #WandaVision

Guiga! 卌 tfatws spoilers ()

o traje de feiticeira escarlate foi mostrado no último ep de wandavision.o traje de capitão américa vai ser mostrado no último ep de tfatws.então o traje do JÁ SABEM

Toasties ()

remember when all of us would stay up for a new wandavision episode and have a big bash, i miss those days :(

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Marilyn ()

Dear Diary, Today marks day 49 since Wandavision still haven’t emotionally recovered.

SlenderGiant | Next Con: itisamystery.com 🤷‍♂️ ()

@lipstickgiraffe Had WandaVision come out like 2 years sooner I would have done her for our Genderbengers 😂

Kendra ()

@winterscIdier i laughed at yours saying wandavision and the phantoms but mine gave me up and said the same thing

Lilit 💛 ()

Lilit oque achou de wandavision ? — Gostei, achei uma série okay e divertida. Mas a Agatha é tudo >>>>

S Murphy, MD ()

@MedHumChat This #WandaVision scene describes grieving so well Waves, struggling to stand alone versus an ocean#medhumchat

A ⧗ ()

naur because im still not over wandavision and tfatws is already ending

Amber ()

@wandastarkmcu previously on wandavision - the cardigan was in the pouring rain and the woods in august and the rain was so much more than the woods and the cardigan was in the pouring rain

❖ taco ❖ ()

Previously on Wandavision, the best way to get the latest flash player is required for video playback is unavailable right now because this video is not the intended recipient you are a few days ago that I have a great day and I will be in the future bro.

Rubel ()

Será que a Vih Tubos é como a Wandavision que consegue criar uma realidade paralela pra quem tá dentro da casa

ℬ ♡ ()

@MiuraTati KakaPior que o fandom dessa série ta assim. (Tirando algumas pessoas que eu conheço) no outro dia uma tiktoker disse que a serie n prendeu mt ela como wandavision prendeu e o povo atacou a garota de um jeito super insano

Javier Baquero ()

@Courlz @StripMarvel No sé si es una coña (😂), pero si, esta serie me tiene muy enganchado. No al nivel de WandaVision, pero si me está molando el rollo espionaje/superhéroes.

Scarlett 🕶 ()

@barnesalianovna MAY IS GONNA BE SO DRY. ITS LIKE WHEN THERE WAS THE GAP FROM FFH AND WANDAVISION. thats when i left mcutwt before tbh tho

т α ı и α; ()

Te he visto mejores trabajosBueno señor perdón por tener un gusto de mierda y decir eso de mi dibujo de wandavision

Lediablotin64 ()

@Arsouille59 Puti j’ai coupé mdrrrrr comme wandavision la seule queje regarde pas pour aller à la sieste il y en a une putinnnn

Maria Pepita Pepota Compota ()

@_Star1ight_A Eh, è lo stesso problema di WandaVisionIo direi hashtag ma commenti no spoiler

🇯🇲 🇳🇬💋 ()
Wandavision Twitter

I want that WandaVision anticipation. I’m not getting that from winter solider and Falcon

ᗢ Hassle ᱬ ミ☆ ()

Wandavision episode 1 in color would be very pleasant to the eyes. Release @Marvel ? 🥺

Gaby Meza - 🍿🌈 ()

Wandavision Twitter

¿Spin off de Dustin y Steve? Gaten Materazzo declaró que le gustaría realizar un spin off de #StrangerThings centrado en ambos personajes. Creo que sería bueno si estuviera en un formato extraño. Como si no hicieran un programa completo… como una cosa tipo WandaVision