Minimalist Theme

Minimalist themes tend to outperform more cluttered themes because they keep the visitor’s attention on what matters. That means you get better performance from your site regardless of what that means – more readers, subscribers, sales, etc. In addition to that, themes with minimal aesthetics are very modern. WordPress Themes and Plugins. WordPress began life as a basic blogging stage. After many years, its clean interface is scarcely unmistakable from its soonest days, and each refresh presents helpful new highlights and functionalities. Best Minimalist Wallpaper for PC. Not all minimalist desktop wallpapers are a simple blank background with basic artwork. Some use a limited range of colors to paint entire sceneries and they’re equally appealing. Here are our picks for 50 minimalist desktop wallpapers and backgrounds that you can try out.

  1. Minimalist Wordpress Themes
  2. Minimalist Theme
  3. Minimal Wordpress Theme
  4. Shopify Minimal Theme Examples
  5. Minimalist Theme For Powerpoint

Genesis is the foundation of any smart WordPress design. The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you’re a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. Minimalist, easy-to-edit and free Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates for your presentations. These slides, with neutral colors and a sober, professional design.

Minimalist Theme

There are so many options for website themes that it can be challenging to find the perfect one for your project. Moreover, themes can be customized, giving you almost infinite options. And your decision is an important one. Almost 50 percent of people judge a company’s credibility by its website design.

That doesn’t mean that you should load up your site with all the bells and whistles, though. Minimalist may be the way to go in regard to web design.

Simple themes highlight your products and services without distracting your audience. They’re clean and don’t have much decoration.

Minimalist themes are ideal for creative professionals, such as artists, graphic designers, and photographers because they let the work speak for itself. However, a simple theme is beneficial to a website owner in any niche.

In some cases, not all themes will be appropriate for every industry. But minimalist themes for WordPress generally work for practically any niche. Because they’re so versatile, there are several that you can choose from. How do you decide what to look for?

We researched the top minimalist themes for WordPress and evaluated them on the standards that are essential for picking the best one for your website. Here are the results.

What Is the Best Minimalist Theme for WordPress?

  1. Avada – Excellent all-around minimalist theme
  2. Astra – Perfect for beginners
  3. StudioPress – Ideal for people who want a fast website with minimal customization
  4. Divi – Lots of features, options, and versatility
  5. Hestia Pro – Best for single-page websites
  6. Elegant – Ideal for creatives
  7. Ava/Agency – Great for visual content

Divi may be the best overall minimalist theme for WordPress because of its ease of use and versatile functionality. Elegant and Ava/Agency may be better for creatives, though. Hestia is the theme that someone with a single-page website would need.

More Information on How We Created This List

We wanted to make sure that we were comparing apples to apples when creating our review roundup of the best minimalist themes for WordPress. Therefore, we made sure that we took the following elements into consideration when reviewing each theme:

  • Responsiveness and versatility
  • Ease of Use
  • Features, options, and plugins
  • Support/customer service

Then, we went on to note whether the theme offered anything else of value. Sometimes, those extra perks work for your business. But they’re not always necessary or valuable for every industry. Below is our personalized review of the top 7 minimalist themes for WordPress.

Minimalist WordPress Theme Website Builder Comparison

Theme NameOverall ScorePriceTemplatesPluginsSupport
Avada4.3$60 for use on one website40+200+ premium plugins6 months on Themeforest forum, plus FB group
Astra4.7$59-$489 annually70+12 free pluginsOne-on-one email support for premium
StudioPress4.25$99.95-$499.9535+ themes15 plugins created by the same developersTicket and forum-based support
Divi5$89 annually, unlimited websites1,000+A few free plugins, plus buyable 3rd party onesLive chat, ticket system
Hestia Pro4.15$69-$1999+ demosnone1 year unlimited with purchase
Elegant 4.7$49-$249yesnone with basic packagedocumentation and forum
Ava/Agency4.6$5939 custom modulesPremium sliderForum-based support

Best Minimalist Themes for WordPress: Reviews

Avada is a fantastic theme, and its creators know it. It is ideal for people who are just starting out and want to get their websites up and running quickly and without hassle.

Avada Pros:

  • Comes with more than 40 templates and demos
  • Free premium plugins
  • Supportive Facebook group
  • Price includes lifetime theme updates

Avada Cons:

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  • Uses many plugins to operate, which can slow it down
  • Only offers one license per website
  • No theme or product builders

Minimalist Wordpress Themes

Responsiveness and Versatility 4.5

Its website touts it as “The Theme to End all Themes” and “the #1 selling theme of all time.” It can do just about anything, and anyone can use it. The theme is fully responsive, and you can fine-tune the displays and responsiveness for various devices so that it works for your design and typography settings.

Ease of Use 4.0

The front end visual builder lets you create a website without any knowledge of coding. You can choose from templates and more than 40 demos if you need some inspiration. The Fusion Builder allows you to create your website from the front or back end. There is a slight learning curve, but most users get the hang of it easily.

Features, Options, and Plugins 4.0

You have access to a theme with the richest selection of options available. That allows you to customize your website completely without looking at a line of code. Buyers also receive $200 worth of premium plugins as part of the package.

Support 5.0

This theme support is top-notch. It has a 5-star rating, and its customers speak highly of the support team’s ability to help newbies and help them save money. The theme also has an active Facebook group where other experts and users can help each other out.

Astra is a lightweight WordPress theme that loads quickly and integrates well with popular WordPress page builders. The developers say that it’s the fastest-growing theme of all time.

Astra Pros:

  • Lots of free templates
  • Versatile to use with different page builders
  • Well-coded and lightweight
  • Each plan can be used for three different sites
  • Free and pro versions

Astra Cons:

  • Offers a lifetime plan, but it’s expensive
  • Limited customization options and header layouts
  • No custom products or shop pages on Woo Commerce

Responsiveness and Versatility 5.0

This is one of the most lightweight themes available. Therefore, it runs smoothly and quickly. It can also be customized for just about any industry. The theme is fairly empty when you first install it. Installing a premade site is recommended. Then, you just have to load your unique content.

Ease of Use 4.8

One of the primary selling points for the Astra theme is its integration with page builders. Many website themes don’t support page builders, leaving you with a mess when you upload your site. Astra is different. You can customize your website on a page-by-page basis, modifying it to your liking even if you don’t have tech experience. You do have to make sure that you utilize the page builder that was used to design the template you’re working with if you want the site to work properly.

Features, Options, and Plugins 4.5

This theme comes with more than 70 pre-built design templates, including specific layouts for blogs, shops, portfolios and other industries. The Astra Hooks plugin makes it easy for non-developers to add code and unique content to their websites. The theme makes it easy for you to know which plugins are necessary to get your site up and running. You can extend the features and usability with 12 free plugins.

Support 4.8

You can use the free WordPress support forums to get help for the free version of Astra. If you paid for the pro version of the theme, you receive one-on-one email support as well as exclusive training.

StudioPress is a high-quality minimalist theme that’s made by the creator of the Genesis Framework, which is potentially the most recognized WordPress framework. StudioPress runs off of the foundation of Genesis but has unique child themes.

StudioPress Pros:

  • Clean code for fast loading and streamlined user experience
  • Excellent security
  • Child themes allow you to change website’s look quickly
  • Reliable

StudioPress Cons:

  • Minimal customization isn’t ideal for advanced users
  • Plugins add functionality but slow down the site

Responsiveness and Versatility 5.0

StudioPress features various themes that run on the Genesis framework. They all have fast loading times and additional emphasis on security. They don’t have too much bloat from extra, unnecessary features, and they’re fully responsive to mobile. The clean code also means that these themes are extremely SEO-friendly.

Plus, StudioPress isn’t created by independent designers, like the themes on Theme Forest are. Therefore, you can count on them to provide updates and solutions for as long as you have the theme.

Ease of Use 4.0

While StudioPress themes are customizable, they aren’t like some themes, which have so many options that they’re overwhelming. Because StudioPress themes give you such a blank slate to start with, you might be confused to begin. However, the documentation for using the themes are solid, and there are YouTube tutorials for just about every theme.


Features, Options, and Plugins 3.5

StudioPress doesn’t have a lot of features or customization options out of the box. You can add plugins and code, but that could clutter the back end, delaying load times and bloating the site. If you’re looking for a theme with plenty of personalization options, you might not want this one.

If you just want to get going quickly and don’t need all the bells and whistles, this may be the theme for you. Still, the Design Palette Pro lets you customize the look of your site without touching code.

Support 4.5

You can get a lot of assistance through the public forum. However, if you have a specific concern, you can open a ticket with StudioPress to get tailored help. The price gives you unlimited support for one year as well as unlimited domains and updates.

Divi might be the most versatile, user-friendly minimalist theme for WordPress. Its popularity probably comes from the fact that it comes with more than 1,000 templates and incorporates an easy-to-learn page builder.

Divi Pros:

  • Install it on unlimited websites
  • Loaded with features
  • Easy to use
  • Excellent third-party marketplace
  • Provides live preview as you make changes

Divi Cons:

  • Has some glitches
  • Leaves shortcodes when updating

Responsiveness and Versatility 5.0

This theme is a website design system that allows you to create a cohesive site that is consistent with your brand, no matter what industry you’re in. The design is incredibly responsive. You can adjust the settings for a computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can even design the graphic elements in a way that is usually only available in an editing program such as photoshop.

Ease of Use 5.0

The back end of Divi is easy to use. It features a drag-and-drop interface that’s intuitive and requires no coding. You can also edit from the front end so that you can view the website in real time while you alter it. Create global elements that update across all of your pages so that you don’t have to edit certain elements individually.

Features, Options, and Plugins 4.5

Divi has many of the basic features that all of these minimalist websites offer. However, it also offers additional features that take it to the next level. For example, this theme offers split testing. You can create two different page designs and evaluate the one that helps you achieve your goals so that you can use it going forward.

Divi doesn’t come with loads of plugins. However, it does have the Bloom email opt-in plugin and Monarch social media plugin. Both of these can help boost engagement and improve your conversions. Because Divi is open source, many developers have created plugins that work with the theme.

Support 5.0


Elegant Themes offers some of the best support for minimalist WordPress themes. Premium members can access the support staff 24/7 through the forum. Issues are typically dealt with within the hour. You will also often find a support member on live chat, which allows you to get instant assistance.

Hestia Pro is developed and sold by Themeisle. It’s a one-page theme that’s modern, uncluttered, and versatile.

Hestia Pro Pros:

  • Versatile if you want a one-page site
  • High performance
  • Excellent support
  • Easy to use

Hestia Pro Cons:

  • Limited header and footer layouts
  • Not enough demo sites to import

Responsiveness and Versatility 3.8

From the perspective of a website owner looking for a one-page website, this theme is extremely versatile. It works for many different industries and projects. However, if you want a more complex website with many pages, this might not be the theme for you.

Ease of Use 4.5

You won’t get sucked into a complex web of page layouts with Hestia Pro. The fact that it’s a single-page template makes it easier to learn and use than most themes. Everything can be customized centrally, and even beginner users shouldn’t have a problem.

Features, Options, and Plugins 3.5

While this theme offers plenty of features for single-page websites, the customization options aren’t as robust as with other themes. It doesn’t come with as many site demos as the other themes that we reviewed, it has limited header and footer layouts, and it doesn’t have a lot of color customization options.

Support 4.8

With the purchase of the theme, you get one year of unlimited support and updates for free. The documentation is detailed and comprehensive. If you have an issue that is not covered in the documentation, you can open a ticket. The support staff usually responds within 5 hours.

Elegant is a straightforward theme that lets your content shine. There aren’t any animations or graphics to slow down the site, and it moves quickly and allows your products and services to stand out. Therefore, it’s ideal for photographers, artists, musicians, and writers.

Elegant Pros:

  • Ideal for creatives
  • Lots of design options
  • Easy to use
  • Integrates with WooCommerce

Elegant Cons:

  • Basic package does not include plugins

Responsiveness and Versatility 4.8

You don’t have to worry about your website looking different on various devices. The Elegant theme is entirely responsive and shows up beautifully on all devices and at every resolution. While this theme is versatile for everyone, it may be best for visual businesses.

Ease of Use 5

The Themify drag-and-drop page builder makes it easy to customize this theme. It supports grid-based layouts, which you can use to highlight your work, blog posts, or products.

Features, Options, and Plugins 4.5

This theme offers features that are quite helpful for creative websites. Although the theme is designed for blogging, it is used by many visual creators, such as magazines and agencies. It features a variety of header styles, portfolio sections, and interesting color schemes. Anydesk does not connect. The typography is gorgeous, and it leaves a lot of white space to emphasize your visuals. You can even add filters right on the site without altering the original image.

Huniecam studio download. Support 4.5

The documentation is comprehensive and walks you through everything you need with tutorials, screenshots, and videos. You’ll find most answers to questions you have in the documentation, but you can get faster support through the forum.

Although this Theme Forest theme is clean, it gives you lots of great options, such as parallax background effects, sidebar generator, and custom widgets.

Ava Pros:

  • Premium support
  • Lots of features
  • Simplified usability

Ava Cons:

  • May be difficult for beginners
  • Not as easy to set up as some of the other themes

Responsiveness and Versatility 5.0

The theme is fully responsive and fluid. It fits any device. It has been tested on actual devices, so that you can trust that your website will be beautiful in anybody’s eyes.

Ease of Use 4.0

You don’t need any coding skills to customize your site with five header types, more than 500 fonts, a grid blog, and a newsletter and carousel portfolio to engage your audience and put your best face forward. Ava is east for the Independent website owner to learn, install, customize, and update, but there is a bit of a learning curve.

Minimalist Theme

Features, Options, and Plugins 4.5


Like many of the other themes, this one is WooCommerce ready. It also comes with a drag-and-drop page builder, sliders, individual page layouts, short coats, RTL support, and extended documentation. It is also search engine optimized.

Support 5.0

This theme features live support, which is helpful when you need an answer to your question quickly. There are plenty of tutorials and how-to’s inside the forum, and you can get additional assistance if you need it.

Minimal Wordpress Theme

How to Choose a Minimalist Theme for WordPress

Important elements of a minimalist theme:

  • White space
  • Focus on products/content
  • Visuals
  • Easy navigation
  • Mobile-friendly

Are There Benefits to Choosing a Minimalist Theme?

There are so many ways that you can make your website stand out that you might be tempted to choose all of them at once. But your website has to be as simple to use as it is engaging and attractive. Less is more.

People want to get more done in less time. The busy consumer doesn’t want to have to sift through the information on your website. They want it to stare them in the face.

Almost 60 percent of internet users scan articles when they’re busy–which is the majority of the time. A simple design allows your most important content to stand out. When viewers get what they need efficiently, they’ll be more likely to return.

A minimalist theme also works better across platforms. You never know what browsers or devices your audience is using to access your site. Use a minimalist theme to achieve quality and consistency across the board. You’ll get faster loading times when your web pages aren’t cluttered.

Shopify Minimal Theme Examples

Simple websites are inviting. They don’t scream, “I’m selling to you!” Instead, they deliver clear, useful, and high-value content. The audience will want to engage more when it’s on their terms as opposed to yours.

There are direct benefits to the website owner too. Minimalist websites are easier to manage, which means that they’re simpler to fix when things go wrong. Maintaining impeccable code is one way to keep your site streamlined.

Plus, minimalist websites may have cheaper hosting fees. They don’t take up massive space, and they reduce workload on a server. That leaves you with a faster, more responsive website and lower hosting costs, in many cases.


Which is the easiest theme to use?

All of these themes are easy to use. The back ends and builders look a little bit different from each other. If you have experience with one, you might find one with similar features easier to use. However, they are all easy to learn for people with little web design experience.

Which is the most customizable theme?

Divi might be the customizable theme. However, Astra is right up there. Hestia may be the least customizable due to its one-page setup.

Which theme is the cheapest?

Minimalist Theme For Powerpoint

Many of the themes offer a free version. However, you will benefit from purchasing the pro version because it usually offers many more features as well as better support. If you plan on keeping your website going for several years, you typically benefit from buying a lifetime package if that’s available. Then, you don’t have to worry about availability to updates, plugins, and support.