Remote Play Destiny 2

Destiny 2 pc controller issue

  1. Destiny 2 Remote Play Controller Issues
  2. Ps4 Remote Play Destiny 2 Controller
Ps4 remote play destiny 2 controller

Want to play Destiny, but don't want to get out of bed? Well worry no more, if you have a Vita (or a TV by your bed), because Bungie has converted Destiny's controls to Sony's handheld for Remote Play.

  1. This tutorial will teach you how to stream Destiny 2 from one PC to another one so that you can play the game away from your main gaming computer.
  2. It would appear that playing Destiny via PS Remote Play has broken the buttons. The touch pad is your melee. Therefore you also cannot summon a sparrow or return to orbit. The L3 does not work so no sprinting. The super button combo does nothing. I have tried multiple controllers. I have tried setting custom buttons. Any suggestions?

Destiny 2 Remote Play Controller Issues

When you play a game using Remote Play, video and audio are sent from your gaming PC to another device. Remote input and multiplayer voice are sent back to the gaming PC, all within milliseconds. You can tune streaming resolution and bitrate for the best experience on your setup with Advanced Settings. Over a 5 GHz network, our target is a. I'm currently remote playing Destiny 2 on my PS5 and while remote playing Borderlands 3 the buttons work fine but on Destiny 2 the nade, melee, and ability are all mapped to Touchpad left, touchpad top, and touchpad right. Pulling out the Ghost is mapped to touching (not pressing) the touchpad. EXPECTED: Remote play Destiny 2 without issue. I lose the connection, get dumped back to my client desktop, steam has a green reconnect button, and sometimes this works when playing games other than Destiny 2. Three times this week, while playing Destiny 2, the reconnect times out, and my wife has found my host computer at the steam login screen.

Here's how it works: the screen is divided into three columns that can be tapped in order to toss a grenade, execute a melee attack, or summon Ghost to do its thing. You can also sprint by holding down on the D-pad (since the Vita sticks can't be clicked in), while tapping up highlights important stuff in the environment.

Ps4 Remote Play Destiny 2 Controller

Sony noted on the PlayStation Blog that Destiny's beta was the PS4 game most people used the Remote Play feature for during the entire month of July. Not bad for an unfinished game that was only available for a week.