Excel Online Onedrive

Save your Excel files to your OneDrive location and access your files from any computer or share it with other people.

  1. Edit Excel Online Onedrive
  2. Excel Online Onedrive
  3. Microsoft Excel Online
  4. Onedrive Excel Online Macros
  5. Excel Online Onedrive Zoom
  6. Excel Online Onedrive Online
  7. Excel Online Onedrive

Collaborate for free with an online version of Microsoft Excel. Save spreadsheets in OneDrive. Share them with others and work together at the same time. Excel Online (OneDrive) Excel Online (OneDrive) connection provider lets you work with Excel files stored in OneDrive. This connection provider only supports personal (MSA) accounts.

1. Open a workbook.

2. On the File tab, click Save As.

3. Click OneDrive, Sign In.

Note: if you don't have a Microsoft account, click on Sign up to create an account. If you're using Outlook or Xbox live, you already have a Microsoft account.

4. Type your email address and click Next.

5. Enter your password and click Sign in.

6. Select a folder.

7. Click Save.

You can now edit this Excel file with Excel Online from anywhere without having Excel installed on your computer. To share this Excel file with other people, execute the following steps.

8. Go to onedrive.live.com and sign in with your Microsoft account.

9. Click the folder selected at step 6.

10. Right click the Excel file and click Share.

11. Enter an e-mail address, add a message and click Send.

The recipient receives a link and can edit the Excel file. You can now use Excel Online to work with the recipient on this workbook at the same time.


Excel Online (OneDrive) connection provider lets you work with Excel files stored in OneDrive. This connection provider only supports personal (MSA) accounts.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Logic AppsStandardAll Logic Apps regions
Power AutomateStandardAll Power Automate regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
Power Apps-Not available
Connector Metadata

Known Issues and Limitations

  • The maximum size of an Excel file that is supported by the Excel Online (OneDrive) connector is 5 MB.
  • The data may not be up to date (there may be some delay) when filtering or sorting is used in the List rows present in a table action.
  • The List rows present in a table action supports basic filtering and sorting:
    • Supports the following filter functions: eq, ne, contains, startswith, endswith.
    • Only 1 filter function can be applied on a column.
    • Only 1 column can be used for sorting.
  • An Excel file may be locked in OneDrive for an update or delete up to 12 minutes since the last use of the connector.
  • A single Excel file should be used by a single connection to prevent writing data from multiple connections and possible data inconsistency.
  • Simultaneous file modifications made by other connectors or manual edits are not supported.
  • The connector supports files only in Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet format (*.xlsx).
  • The connector retrieves rows for 500 columns maximum in the List rows present in a table action. Rows for first 500 columns are returned by default. You can provide comma-separated list of specific columns to retrieve in Select Query parameter.
  • The connector doesn't support using OData parameters for tables that contain hidden columns.
  • The connector timeout caused by re-calculations can occur, either there are complicated formulas or there are too many rows in the worksheet. In both cases, data can be inserted multiple times because of retry policy.
  • The connector will return the Bad Gateway error if the spreadsheet is in a read-only mode. In order to disable read-only mode, please learn more here.
  • Filter Query / Order By / Select Query operation parameters support only alphanumeric column names.
  • Pivot tables are not supported due to Graph API limitations.
  • If a user makes too many requests within a short period of time, it is possible to get a 429 response. The throttling limit is unique to each request and it varies based on the request count, memory used, and other important factors.
  • In operations such as Delete a row, the key column field is case-sensitive.
  • In case of multiple matches in operations such as Update a row, Delete a row operations, only the first row will be updated/deleted.

Column names handling

Please note that column names in the action's response results may be transformed in order to be compatible with OData format:

CharacterEncoded value

E.g. Column [one]#1 -> Column [one]_x0023_1

Concepts and examples

  • Key column: column in a table that will be use to search a value (key value)
  • Key value: value in the key column that will be used to identify a specific row.

Take the following table as an example. To perform a row operation in the second row of the table, the key column should be Column 1 and key value should be 200.

Column 1Column 2Column 3

General Limits

Maximum number of identity column variants that can be used to Get/Insert/Update/Delete a row from a single excel table. Current value is set to 2, which means that up to two column name variants should be in use across workflows for one particular table.2

Throttling Limits

NameCallsRenewal Period
API calls per connection10060 seconds


Add a key column to a table

Add a key column to an Excel table. The new column will be appended to the right. The new key column must be unique in the table.

Add a row into a table

Add a new row into the Excel table.

Add a row into a table [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Add a row into a table instead.

Add a new row into the Excel table.

Create table

Create a new table in the Excel workbook.

Create worksheet

Create a new worksheet in the Excel workbook.

Delete a row

Delete a row using a key column.

Get a row

Get a row using a key column. This action will retrieve all the values of the specified row given a column and key column.

Get tables

Get a list of tables in the Excel workbook.

Get worksheets

Get a list of worksheets in the Excel workbook.

List rows present in a table

List rows present in a table.

Update a row

Update a row using a key column. The input value will overwrite the specified cells and columns left blank will not be updated. In order to append (instead of overwrite) a value, use the 'Get a row' action to retrieve the content first.

Excel online hyperlink to onedrive file

Add a key column to a table

Add a key column to an Excel table. The new column will be appended to the right. The new key column must be unique in the table.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

table True string

Select a table from the drop-down.

idColumn string

Provide the key column name.

Add a row into a table

Add a new row into the Excel table.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

table True string

Select a table from the drop-down.

item True dynamic

Row to add into the specified Excel table.

DateTime Format
dateTimeFormat string

DateTime Format.


Add a row into a table [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Add a row into a table instead.

Add a new row into the Excel table.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

table True string

Select a table from the drop-down.

item True dynamic

Row to insert into the specified Excel table.


Create table

Create a new table in the Excel workbook.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

Table name
TableName string

Enter the Excel table name.

Range True string

Enter the table address using A1 notation.

Columns names
ColumnsNames string

Enter the columns names separated by ';' or ','.


Table metadata

Create worksheet

Create a new worksheet in the Excel workbook.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

name string

Worksheet name.

Microsoft excel onedrive


Delete a row

Delete a row using a key column.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

table True string

Select a table from the drop-down.

idColumn True string

Select a column from the drop-down.

Key Value
id True string

Enter the key value.

Get a row

Get a row using a key column. This action will retrieve all the values of the specified row given a column and key column.

Edit Excel Online Onedrive


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

table True string

Select a table from the drop-down.

idColumn True string

Select a column from the drop-down.

Key Value
id True string

Enter the key value.

dateTimeFormat string

DateTime Format.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get tables

Get a list of tables in the Excel workbook.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.


value array of object
value.id string

Table Id.

value.name string

Table name.

value.showBandedColumns boolean

Show banded columns.

Highlight first column
value.highlightFirstColumn boolean

Highlight first column.

value.highlightLastColumn boolean

Highlight last column.

Show banded rows
value.showBandedRows boolean

Show banded rows.

value.showFilterButton boolean

Show filter button.

Show headers
value.showHeaders boolean

Show headers.

value.showTotals boolean

Show totals.

value.style string

Table style.

Get worksheets

Get a list of worksheets in the Excel workbook.

Excel Online Onedrive


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.


value array of WorksheetMetadata

List rows present in a table

List rows present in a table.

Microsoft Excel Online


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

table True string

Select a table from the drop-down.

$filter string

An ODATA filter query to restrict the entries returned.

Order By
$orderby string

An ODATA orderBy query for specifying the order of entries.

$top integer

Total number of entries to retrieve (default = all).

Skip Count
$skip integer

The number of entries to skip (default = 0).

$select string

Comma-separated list of columns to retrieve (first 500 by default).

DateTime Format
dateTimeFormat string

DateTime Format.


Update a row

Onedrive Excel Online Macros

Excel Online Onedrive

Update a row using a key column. The input value will overwrite the specified cells and columns left blank will not be updated. In order to append (instead of overwrite) a value, use the 'Get a row' action to retrieve the content first.


file True string

Select an Excel file through File Browse.

table True string

Select a table from the drop-down.

idColumn True string

Select a column from the drop-down.

Key Value
id True string

Enter the key value.

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item True dynamic

Provide the item properties.

DateTime Format
dateTimeFormat string

DateTime Format.




Table metadata

name string

Table name

title string

Table title

x-ms-permission string

Table permission

x-ms-capabilities TableCapabilitiesMetadata

Metadata for a table (capabilities)

schema Object
referencedEntities Object
webUrl string

Url link

Excel Online Onedrive Zoom


Metadata for a table (capabilities)

sortRestrictions TableSortRestrictionsMetadata

Metadata for a table (sort restrictions)

filterRestrictions TableFilterRestrictionsMetadata

Metadata for a table (filter restrictions)

selectRestrictions TableSelectRestrictionsMetadata

Metadata for a table (select restrictions)

isOnlyServerPagable boolean

Server paging restrictions

filterFunctionSupport array of string

List of supported filter capabilities

serverPagingOptions array of string

List of supported server-driven paging capabilities


Excel Online Onedrive Online


Metadata for a table (sort restrictions)

sortable boolean

Indicates whether this table has sortable columns

unsortableProperties array of string

List of unsortable properties

More electronegative atom oxidation number. The electronegativity (EN) of an atom is a number that qualitatively defines the capacity of an atom to attract bonding electrons. The number given is based on the Pauling scale.

ascendingOnlyProperties array of string

List of properties which support ascending order only


Metadata for a table (filter restrictions)

filterable boolean

Indicates whether this table has filterable columns

nonFilterableProperties array of string

List of non filterable properties

requiredProperties array of string

List of required properties


Excel Online Onedrive

Metadata for a table (select restrictions)

selectable boolean

Indicates whether this table has selectable columns


id string

Worksheet Id.

name string

Worksheet name.

position integer

Worksheet position.

visibility string

Worksheet visibility.