Templates For MS Word

  1. Templates For Ms Word 2003
  2. Free Templates For Ms Word
  3. Avery Templates For Ms Word

Word CV and Business Card - Personal ID. By Giallo in Graphic Templates. Add to collection. Clean and Minimal Business Invoice (Ms Word) By afahmy in Graphic Templates. Add to collection. Templates can include calendars, business cards, letters, cards, brochures, newsletters, resumes, and much more. You can use any template you download as-is, or you can customize it to meet your needs. When you select a template you'll be presented with a dialog box that shows you a larger view of the template.

Download this Case Study Template Pack with 19 pre-formatted templates in MS Word format, which can be easily modified to meet your next project.

You also get a free 21 page tutorial on How to Write a Case Study and an Information Gathering Form for gathering data when writing your case study.

19 MS Word Case Study Templates

The following screenshots are of the 19 case study templates which are included in the Case Study template pack.

Case Study for Construction projects

19 Case Study Templates for only $19.99. Case Study Template – Sample Pages. The following screenshots show the inside pages in the MS Word template. Note that each MS Word document includes a cover page with image, a page with trademark, disclaimers and other legal text, then the table of contents, followed by the actual case study chapters. Our MS Word templates feature: standard size for printing, high resolution images, customized layout files, compatibility with various versions of Microsoft Word. In addition, they are all pre-formatted and quite attractive, but you'd better see it by yourself while customizing them according to.

Case study for Architecture projects Construction Case StudyEnergy Case Study templateFashion Case Study TemplateHigh Finance Case Study TemplateHeath and Education Case Study Lifestyle Case StudyEngineering Case StudyBusiness Case StudyTechnology Case Study

Artistic Case Study (Chinese Dream of the Red Chamber)

Case Study Template – Sample Pages

The following screenshots show the inside pages in the MS Word template.

Note that each MS Word document includes a cover page with image, a page with trademark, disclaimers and other legal text, then the table of contents, followed by the actual case study chapters. Each of these includes guidelines to help you and your team write the material, which of course, is also included in the 21-page tutorial.

2 Column Case Study Templates

If you want to write shorter case studies, the following templates should be helpful. These follow the classic 2-column layout and are four pages each.

Case Study: Free Downloads

You also get the following documents in your Case Study Template Pack.

How to Write a Great Case Study

If you’ve been commissioned to write a case study, or are interested in starting a lucrative career as a marketing writer, this 21 page tutorial should give you a solid understanding of the fundamentals involved. The tutorial explains:

  • What is a Case Study
  • Why write a Case Study
  • Length, Format and Presentation
  • How to Structure your Case Study
  • Areas to Highlight
  • Last Words

How to Write a Case Study

Case Study Information Gathering Form

Use this form to gather information for your case study, such as your client’s background, partners involved in the project, and technical aspects of the technologies deployed in the solution. Once you have this information at your disposal, you are in a much stronger position to begin your case study.

Case Study Information Gathering Form

Case Study Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure that you covered, or have at least considered, the following areas that may be related to your case study. Please note that not every case study will require all of these sections; however you can consult this checklist both before and after preparing your draft to double-check that you have addressed all relevant areas.

Case Study Template Pack

The templates are in Microsoft Word and can be downloaded online for only $19.99. The template pack includes the following documents:

Case Study Templates19 x MS Word
Case Study Checklist1 x MS Word
How to Write a Case Study1 x MS Word
Case Study Information Gathering Form1 x MS Word

Product Specifications

File Format: The templates are in Microsoft Word (.docx) and Excel format (.xlsx).

File Size: The Download file is 10 MBs.

Opening the Files: You don’t need any special software to unzip the files. To unzip the files, right click on it, then select Extract, and save it to your computer.

Templates For MS Word

Getting Started: Depending on your MS Office settings, the files may say Read Only when you open them. If this occurs, click File, Save As and save the files. There are no security settings on any of the files.

Images: All of the images in the templates are copyright free.

60-day Money-Back Guarantee

Secure Online Order Form


  • How does the order process work?

Who are your Customers?

Here is a sample list of our customers.

Technical Support

Templates For Ms Word 2003

I am here to help you with any questions. You can contact me directly if you need any helping using these templates.

What file formats do the templates work in?

The files work in MS Word 97, 2003, 2007, Office 2010, Office 2016, Windows 7, XP, Vista, and Apple iWork (if you have Word for Mac), and Google Docs.

How do I get my templates?

After you make the payment, you are sent an email. This has a link to a DownloadPage from where you can save the templates,

Where are my templates?

By default, when you download the files, they are saved to the Download folder on your computer.

What is the refund policy?

We offer a 60 days refund policy.

I have not received my product. Who do I contact?

Please email ivan at klariti.com or info at klariti.com or ivanawalsh at gmail.com. Please include your order number.

Help! I’ve accidentally deleted my templates!

Just drop us a line with the order number. We’ll send it out.

Why does my file say it’s corrupt?

If you open a zip file during the download, it may display an error message that the file is corrupt. What this means is that not all of the file have downloaded and therefore the system thinks its contents are corrupt. Please try to download the file again or contact us for assistance. Email us the receipt number you received from eJunkie and we’ll send you another copy.

How Do I Buy the Templates?

This page explains the order process.

It shows how to order templates, how can you pay (with PayPal or with Credit Cards), and how to download the template.

How do I Download the Templates?

After you buy the order, you’ll get an email with a link to download the templates.

If you have any problem downloading the templates, send me the order number and I will get back to you.

Please allow 12 hours for a response as our time zone may be different than yours.

How do I Pay with my Credit Card (Instead of PayPal)

This page explains how to buy templates using your credit card instead of PayPal.

Note: You do NOT need a PayPal account to place an order. You can pay for your order using your credit or debit card.

Read How to Pay with Your Credit Card (Instead of PayPal) here.

How Can I Contact You?

You can contact me at:

  • Email: ivan at klariti.com / info at klariti.com / ivanawalsh at gmail.com
  • Tel: 00.353.860.886.349
  • Facebook / Twitter

Free Templates For Ms Word

As we’re in Europe, there may be a time difference when getting back to you.

Again, if there are any problems, just let me know.


Ivan Walsh

The Application Support Center maintains templates for MS Word and LaTeX in an effort to make adhering to the Graduate Editorial Office Publication Standards a little easier.

The Word file can be used by both Mac and PC users (see the note to Mac users below). These templates are provided in the current .docx format. If you need the Word 2003 format (.doc) contact the Application Support Center.

The LaTeX legacy Template owes a huge debt of gratitude to Ron Smith for developing the ufthesis.cls file. The 2019 version is owed thanks to Jason Nowell.

Thesis and Dissertation formatting requirements are the same for all students. Guidelines and requirements are available in the Editorial Office’s GRADUATE SCHOOL FORMATTING GUIDE

MS Word

MS Word Template – Arial

The standard template that most students should use. This document uses custom Word “styles” to help format your document to meet Editorial Office Guidelines. Note to Macintosh Users: MS Word on a Macintosh will make the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables links, that are Required by the Editorial Office, around the page numbers only. This link will not comply with the Editorial Requirements and ALL Mac Users must be aware that they will have to make some arrangement make these links over the text as is done on the PC. The easiest method is to fully update these tables one last time and convert to pdf on a Windows Machine just before uploading to the Editorial Document Management System.

Avery Templates For Ms Word

MS Word Template – Times

A few people prefer to use Times New Roman (Note: while Times New Roman is a very good font in the hard copy version, Arial is a superior font for readability on a computer screen) Please use this version if you are gong to use Times New Roman.


A LaTex editor should be used when comping either version of the LaTex template. Our office highly suggests the use of Overleaf as UF provided a free account to its users.

LaTeX Template – As of Summer 2019

Updated – August, 2019 – For any users experiencing issues with this iteration of the template, feel free to use the legacy template provided below.

LaTeX Legacy Template

Updated – May, 2018 – An archive of files to help you meet the challenge of modifying a LaTeX “Report” into a UF Thesis or Dissertation. The “main.tex” file is the main file that assembles the individual files into a complete package. The userinfo.tex file has now been incorporated into the main.tex file and is no longer needed. The default method of compiling the document is now “xelatex” which allows a much wider range of graphics capabilities.

If you are using an older version of LaTeX that requires “dvipdfm” or “dvipdfmx” we have included versions of the Make Files that will allow you to use the older versions if you don’t want to, or can not upgrade to the latest version.

The best way to compile this document is to keep the main file name and run the “Make” file suitable for your system. These can now be found in the “Make Files” folder. Choose the correct file for your system (Read the README file if you’re not sure which one you need) A Makefile is now included for Linux and Macintosh users but may need to be modified to work on your setup. Example of how to set up an un-numbered footnote for previously published chapters. Update changes em dash to hyphen in equation numbers.

LaTeX Legacy Template – Times

Updated – May, 2018 – The same archive of files but with the font set to Times New Roman. Example of how to set up an un-numbered footnote for previously published chapters. Update changes em dash to hyphen in equation numbers

Sans Serif LaTeX PDF PDF of LaTeX Template makes the template too large to store in our media library so we don’t include a compiled version in the template itself. Use this version to compare as a check to make sure your version is compiling correctly.