Backblaze Docker

Golf with your friends download. In terms of new features, FreeNAS 11.1 now has a cloud sync feature that can help manage data both in the FreeNAS NAS but also to a cloud provider such as AWS S3, Azure, GCP and Backblaze B2. The other headline feature is “preliminary” Docker container support based on a RancherOS virtual machine. TL;DR: Nodecraft moved 23TB of customer backup files from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in just 7 hours. is a multiplayer cloud platform, where gamers can rent and use our servers to build and share unique online multiplayer servers with their friends and/or the public.

I have Nextcloud 19 running fine in Docker containers on a Windows 10 Home host. Docker is using WSL2 for its virtualization host. I’m using a host mount to store the data files on a host NTFS disk, instead of inside the VHDX disk. Atomic mass calculation formula.

I use Backblaze Personal (not B2) for backup, and I have the client set to backup from the data drive. This is all working.

First, you have to create a Backblaze account and enable B2. If you already have a Backblaze account, login, visit 'My Settings' and enable 'B2 Cloud Storage' on your account under 'Enabled Products' Second, create an Private bucket in your B2 account. Third, retrieve your Master Application Key and KeyID. Experienced IT project manager with a technical background (CS degree) and some programming experience. Excellent communication skills. Have worked with PHP/Drupal/WordPress, Python/Flask, AWS/Backblaze, Docker, JIRA/Redmine/Basecamp. Would love to help your team deliver excellence. Contact: hey at

HOWEVER, there is a known performance issue with WSL2 and a Windows NTFS mount. They highly recommend that data stay in the VHDX drive. I would not mind moving that to my big drive. Then the data files could be accessed from Windows using the wsl$ path.

The problem with this is that now this would look to Backblaze like a network drive, and Backblaze won’t backup a network drive.

Backblaze Docker

I’ve poked around and the only workaround I’ve found is to schedule occasional rsync/rclone jobs to mirror the data from the VHDX to the NTFS drive, and then point Backblaze to the mirror. Or course, this effectively halves my data capacity.

For those of you who use Docker for Nextcloud for personal use (i.e., not use B2 or S3, etc), how do you backup your data? Am I even doing it right?

My overall goal is to have backup with versioning and be able to access my 1TB of photos (I do serious amateur photography) from anywhere. I like the Dropbox model and it’s easy to to set up in-place backup/sync. Though now I’m wondering if I really need to sync ALL my files and find a solution that’s more dedicated to backup and syn only a small subset of my files.


Backblaze Docker Tutorial

I have a Nextcloud 19 docker installation on a VPS with Backblaze B2 configured as primary storage. Server side encryption is enabled. I uploaded some files (around 22GB) using the Nextcloud desktop client (version 3.0.2) on Windows 10. When I checked the Backblaze data usage details, it showed an equivalent increase in download. To confirm that this is not an anomaly I checked the data transfer on my VPS provider and it too showed an increase in incoming traffic for the similar amount of data (excluding the amount of data from my desktop to VPS).

What is causing the download when the files were only uploaded? Is this expected?

Backblaze Dockery
